Biotherm Homme
Day Control Desodorizante Stick
Dupla ação: antitranspirante e desodorizante!
Combate eficazmente a transpiração e os odores desagradáveis. Proteção da pele.
Sensação suave e leve ao toque. Sem álcool.
Aplicar diariamente na pele limpa e seca.
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3 avaliações
The best deodorant
I have been using it for years and it always meets my expectations, both in stick and roll-on format.
severe skin irritations
this is not the first time I have used this deodorant and I bought it a month or so ago and from the beginning I got skin irritations, I stopped using it and a few weeks later I used it again and again I got these irritations in a significant way.I will not use it anymore.
josé luis